Monday, March 16, 2009

Week Four: You're a third of the way there

Title: The End of the Fourth Week of Internships

For your blog assignment this week, please describe your internship site by answering the following questions...

What is it?

What kind of business is it and what kind of work do the professionals do there?

Where is it? What is the neighborhood like compared to where our school is?

Tell a little about your mentor.

What kinds of things have you done so far?

What were some of the highlights of the fourth week? (Memorable moments, cool things, incredibly difficult things...)

Please answer some logistical questions...

When do you leave school?

How long does it take you to get to your internship?

When do you arrive at home?

What is your schedule? (What days do you work and for how long each day?)

Who are the two people that can sign your time card? (Your mentor and the additional person)

Part 3
This is a supplemental assignment for your fourth week.

How was the fourth week different than the third week?

What is something that you really like about the internship?

What is something you dislike about the internship?

Who else's blog have your read and commented on?

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